Today was just a brilliant day. One of the last few days of warm weather before winter creeps in. Organised to head down to lovely Geelong to catch up with some classy classy girls.
I took this picture because I wanted to show one of my favourite buildings. The one on the extreme right, it looks like its been split into three sections. I feel like the splits are very jagged. Makes me think that a giant Godzilla-like creature clawed its way through the building. Think about and look at the building, totally fits. So, if you need to go to Geelong and use public transport, you need to take one of these beasts…
Only way to travel is in the quiet carriage. That way if someone makes noise, you don’t have to accept it and you can take great joy in glaring at them. Arrived in Geelong and found a lovely (end of ) summer day.
Hmmm… I wished I had waited to take the picture when there were nicer cars on the road. But, ah well. I walked down and met up with these lovely ladies.
We met at King George Fish and Grill and we started with some lovely white wine. I looked at the menu (which is quite extensive) and zeroed in on the steak which was garlic heaven!!!
Absolutely beautiful food. After a couple more glasses, I took the train home and snoozed (no photos).
Great day ladies. Cannot wait to operation …. (you know what I’m talking about).
Love Sim