Day 3 – Cordoba, Spain (June 2018)

Hi everyone!

Ok, we just arrived in Cordoba last night.  Remember the picture from my last post that showed our first view of Cordoba at night?  This is the same view taken the next morning.

Our view of old Cordoba in the morning

Cordoba was incredible.  I think if I visited Spain again, I would enjoy spending more time here.  Madrid felt like any other major city but in Cordoba, I finally felt like I was in Spain.

Entry into old Cordoba
Walking along the streets of Cordoba
A hoity-toity square in Cordoba

The first tourist-y thing we did was visit the Roman ruins of Cordoba.

What’s left of the Roman ruins in Cordoba

Yes, this looked very Roman and while it was interesting, it was also stinking hot. So, next up? Ice cream!

Trying to cool down!

From here we continued meandering around …

Outside the wall of old Cordoba
Getting back inside old Cordoba

and found ourselves at the major attraction of Cordoba – the Cathedral. The first thing I noticed when entering the grounds was the intricate stone patterns of the pathways.

Intricate stone pattern of the paths inside the Cathedral grounds

In my thin shoes, the path felt ike a reflexology area.  Since our feet were aching from all the walking we had done that day, we all decided to have a quick therapy session.

Quick reflexology session before entering the Cathedral

Okay guys, the Cathedral was so beautiful that I went a little trigger happy.  Enjoy!

After all this sightseeing, we had worked up quite the thirst and hunger. Walking around the streets of Cordoba, we found this cute little place:

JD and Loz at our last dinner in Cordoba
Josh and I at our last dinner in Cordoba

Can you see the lovely colours in the deco? This place was great. I particularly enjoyed the way our waiters would share the soccer score by yelling from the kitchen. All in all, a great choice for dinner.

One more group shot for Cordoba

This marked the end of our time in Cordoba. Look out for my next post as we hit Seville.

Talk soon,

Sim & Josh


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May I say how impressed I was with the language skills we built with our waiter in Cordoba… 😉

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