Hi everyone,
Here’s a quick little post about Wally’s first Thanksgiving. Since he was still so young, it was a really low key day. We invited friends who had a 3 week old and our intention was to cook way too much food so that both families would have a few days of leftovers to help out. First, we got an 18 pound turkey:
For those of us who observe the metric system, here is a better unit of measurement:
I don’t think Wally appreciated the comparison. Although he didn’t mind that much because he went back to sleep soon after.
We didn’t let Wally sleep through all the hard work though. We made sure to get him up and into his Thanksgiving clothes in time for lunch.
This gorgeous cardigan was a lovely hand-me-down from cousin Luca. Once dressed, Wally went back to hanging out waiting for turkey time.
Thanks to Josh’s amazing efforts, the turkey turned out amazing.
And then we closed out the day getting some nice family shots:
And that was the end of Wally’s first Thanksgiving. Stay tuned for Christmas!
Sim, Josh & Wally
Add Yours →Well done hosting Thanksgiving!! I love the turkey/Wally comparison and that cardigan is too cute.
Looks amazing. Great Turkey Josh. So lovely that Gavery was there to celebrate with you. ❤️
A wonderful way to connect with our great nephew…. and of course you guys
Damn 18 pound turkey! You would have had a lot of leftovers!
Love this!!