Celebrating Yurika and Igor

Hey Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I haven’t written in such a long time but to be honest, nothing interesting has been happening until recently. I cannot believe I’ve been in California now for over 5 months! Anyway, it finally happened. I finally started uni for real. Although I did some summer classes, two weeks ago I met the rest of my LL.M. classmates.

There are about 30 of us and only three are native English speakers (me and two Scots).

Native English speakers doing what they do best
Native English speakers doing what they do best

Lis took this picture, poor Ally’s face is cut off but still, these girls are fabulous. The rest of the group is made up of people from Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

So on Thursday, it was the birthday of two of our classmates, Yurika (Japan) and Igor (Ukraine). This would be a great time to introduce my university.

My university
My university

No joke, this picture was showed to us in a presentation by the Dean. But yeah, these are the three buildings where I shall spend the next year in. The building on the extreme right, the tower is my uni’s res (student residence): THE TOWER (sounds so ominous).

The Tower!!
The Tower!!

This is a 26 storey building full of tiny student rooms. On the 24th floor however is the sky room. It’s one level full of glass windows that is a function centre that can be booked by students for various events. This is where Yurika and Igor decided to hold their birthday. Seriously, the views were amazing!

Check out the view!
Check out the view!
Check out the view!!
Check out the view!!

I cannot get over it! These American students are so spoilt having access to such a great place their entire degree.

The party was fun. We sang Happy Birthday (in English) and discovered that the German way for saying Happy Birthday was the longest.

Most of the LL.M. crew
Most of the LL.M. crew

This is just a quick post to say I haven’t disappeared off the face of the Earth. Not to worry though, I shall make sure these are more constant.

Talk soon,


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Thanks for the post Simren! We were saying just the other day that we hadn’t heard much from you lately… but then I thought – it is a 2 way street, so we should fill you in on everything that’s been happening here (which really isn’t that much, haha)…. here’s a small update:
It is safe to say that my birthday was as low key as they come…not exactly 30 anymore ;)… I think August has become the month where everyone is finally sick of winter and just leaves the state (or country) for at least a week. Kat and I were in Sydney and then the Gold Coast last week, and had top weather! I imagine San Fran has similar weather all year round – 23c+ everyday. We got off the plane, back in Melbourne, at 11pm Friday to 9c, and I had only shorts and a shirt on. Very depressing, not to mention cold! We were the ultimate tourists while we were away – cruises, trip to Manly, Bondi, Palm Beach, followed by the theme parks at the Gold Coast, where I got sunburnt. But much to Kims dissapointment I did not get the glowing sunny tan, everybody loves to see. Prior to that trip, not a whole lot has been happening, aside from work, and trying to look past the long and wet winter we’ve been having. The usually gang are doing a post birthday/holiday catch up in a week or 2, which will be fun. But not as fun as if you were here, obviously! :).
In regards to the AFL finals approaching it’s extremely hard to get excited, with the Hawks again being at the top. Boring!!!
I think what we really need is an excuse to come see you! haha. It’s always at the back of my mind. I haven’t been OS since April last year! Extremely hard-done-by!.. 😛

The uni sounds fascinating! Is it big? Is it strange that your class has so many “foreigners” in it? How long is your commute? Is there a uni bar?

Hope you guys are well, and are enjoying it over there!

Talk soon. And take care. Adam x

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